American Family Field (Miller Park)
9,6 mailiaChudnow Museum of Yesteryear
10,2 mailiaMarquette University
10,2 mailiaLakefront Brewery
10,2 mailiaMilwaukee City Hall
10,7 mailiaPabst Theater
10,7 mailiaBronze Fonz
10,7 mailiaMilwaukee Lakefront Trail
11 mailiaLake Park
11,1 mailiaHistoric Third Ward
11,1 mailiaNorth Point Lighthouse
11,1 mailiaMilwaukee Art Museum
11,2 mailiaBounce Milwaukee
13,1 mailiaLuxembourg American Cultural Society and Center (LACS)
26,6 mailiaLentokentät
General Mitchell International Airport
16,4 mailia